About Me
Who am I? Well, my name is Mr. Chat Line. That’s not the name my mom gave me at birth. But it’s the one I prefer. And yes, I like to refer to myself in third person. I know it’s obnoxious. I do it anyway.
Mr. Chat Line is your local, trusted source for all things chat line related. I’m a guy who’s been calling chat lines since their inception in the 1980s. Upon spending hours calling almost every line imaginable, I’ve put together a website containing the best ones. This site was built for people who love chat lines, or are new to them and don’t know where to start.
Ok, back to referring to myself in third person.
Mr. Chat Line knows that chat lines aren’t a one-size-fits-all game and that not all lines are created equal. Each person has a perfect line that is right for them, and they shouldn’t be wasting their precious time or money on lines that just aren’t going to work out! Mr. Chat Line has taken the most important categories: Singles, black, gay, lesbian, Latin, and naughty, and broken each one down into their most quality phone chat platforms. Every single number on Mr. Chat Line offers a free trial ranging from 10 minutes to days at times so that each Mr. Chat Line visitor can try the lines out for themselves!
Mr. Chat Line operates by a rigorous grading scale and enjoys writing in-depth reviews. At the end of the day, Mr. Chat Line a dude who runs a small company comprised of a handful of folks who are just as passionate about phone dating as he is. He judges based on price, experience, quality of callers, and potential to actually meet someone in person. Whether you are in the market to sit in your boxers and chat the hours away at home with someone horny, or you are interested in sharing pasta with a local cutie Lady And The Tramp style, Mr. Chat Line has done the dirty work to figure out which line is going to fulfill your needs.
At the end of the day, Mr. Chat Line aims to provide the ultimate resource for people who are looking to have the best chat line experience possible. He’s your friend, your confidant, and always has your back.
You can contact me at info@mrchatline.com. I’m located in sunny (well, most of the year) Los Angeles. Drop me a line if you have any questions!