Alternative Ways To Date People In 2021

Boy was 2020 a year for the books. Our entire lives were turned upside down; that includes dating. Never could we have predicted that in our lifetime such an event would happen and were, therefore, ill-prepared for the way it would affect our social and intimate lives. People have been lonely. People have been bored. People have been scared. And people have been longing for human interaction. Just because social distancing is now a phrase that is well too engrained in our vocabulary doesn’t mean that your dating life is over. One of the best ways to quench your thirst for some new romances is to call a chat line. Now, this may sound out-of-date to you, but just hear us out. Who knows, you might even meet your soul mate if you’re open to what the universe is telling you…..or if you’re open to what we are telling you. It’s all about perspective, right? 😉
More Than An App
Dating through an app is so last year. Chat lines were cool in the 80s and now they’re back again, much like our beloved clothing styles. We have had a year that has disconnected us from the physical touch of those we love, the homes of those we cherish, and the excitement that comes along with a new relationship; the first time you hear that person’s voice, the butterflies you get when she/he laughs, the way you can’t wait to hear about their day and learn everything about what makes them them. We need to tune in, not tune out. We need to cherish the connections we make with others and explore relationships to their fullest. You’re just not going to be able to get that from a shallow app where you are always going to lead with the physical attraction first, instead of getting to know the person and letting that physical attraction grow. We need to hear someone’s voice on the other end of the phone, not just be mindlessly typing away meaningless sentences that look nice on paper.
Less Than Face-To-Face
A chat line is not as big a commitment as a face-to-face which is nice for those of us with a hint of anxiety. It’s great for older daters too who are seeking intimate connection without the hassle and vapid nature of app or in-person dating.
We have had our fair share of nights where we were absolutely dreading going out and meeting up with some friends or going out on a date because we just felt like being comfortable; no heels, no skirt, no makeup. Wish. Granted.
Returns Accepted
You aren’t feeling it? Not ready for a relationship? No problem. Never again will you be stuck on a horrible first date. Have anxiety and don’t know how to tell the person you want to hang up? Oh well. I guess you had spotty service….your secret is safe with us.
Safety First
When you are connected by a bunch of complicated technology that results in a machine being connected to another machine that you can hear someone’s voice through, you. are. safe. Rest assured you can sleep easy knowing that the only information you give out is, well, the information that you have chosen to give out! You can really get to know and vet the person before you decide to take your relationship to the next level and meet up in person.