How To Start A Conversation On A Chat Line

If you have made the big step of deciding to jump on a chat line to meet singles in your area, we know that it is often quite a giant leap! Just signing up can be hard enough, but then you need to consider how to start a conversation with the person on the other end of the line. Even if you are outgoing in real life, you might be flummoxed about what to say or do on a phone date. Here are a few tips to help you get situated when starting a conversation with someone you don’t know at all.
Break the Ice
The first thing you need to do is to break the ice. And let’s face it, there is really no good way to do this without there being some awkwardness. Just start by doing your best to speak clearly and sound interesting. Humor and honesty both work well, and just laying it all out there in the open about how first conversations can be awkward is another tactic that you can use. In the case of first conversations, everyone is in the same boat.
Think Small
As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. If you are working toward starting a conversation, start small. Having a special story you like to tell or just a few anecdotes is a great idea to set you off in the right direction. You do not have to share your entire life story or every little thing that happened, but it is good to have a few ideas to start with.
Ask Questions
One important way to take the heat off of yourself is to ask a lot of questions. This takes the spotlight off you and your answers, but also gives you a solid, easy way to meet the other person. Asking about everything from favorite foods to favorite hobbies, special interests, or special people in their life, will all help you get to know the person better.
Spread Cheer
Last but not least, it is important for you to be positive when you are talking to someone on a chat line. No one likes a Debbie Downer on, so it is important that you try to spread positivity on phone dates. First conversations are never a good place to air your grievances. This will be a definite turn-off. Even if there are some difficult aspects to your life, save those for subsequent conversations and start off on a positive note.
No one said it would be easy to start a conversation with total strangers. But by following the few tips above, you will be well on your way to fun and satisfying conversations. First conversations can be awkward, but if you acknowledge that and do your best to stay positive, they can also be very rewarding.