How You Know It’s Not Working On A Chat Line

Calling chat lines for love is an exciting but arduous task. The stakes are high – you’re looking for a life partner. It can be as tiring as calling several chat lines, using up their free trials, and hoping that you land a soulmate. Once you’ve used up your free phone chat minutes, the stakes get even higher because you are paying for your time. The point of all of this madness is that you don’t want to waste your time on chat line dates that are going nowhere. That’s why it’s helpful to recognize the signs that you’re on a chat line date that isn’t working. To help you out, I’ve taken a cue from my own experience and the experience of friends to determine what happens on crappy chat line dates. Read on to find out for yourself!
Your Mind Wanders
You should be fully engaged on a chat line call. If you find that your brain is somewhere else and you are just going through the motions of the call, it’s time to bail. Hang up or try again with someone new. That is an indicator that the chemistry just isn’t there and you shouldn’t be spending your time on the date. Chat line dates should feel like tennis or volleyball. There should be a rhythm, a back-and-forth, and it should be fun! If you’re wondering what to prepare for dinner or what movie you should tune into later, this date is not going to lead anywhere good.
Your Chat Line Date Interrupts You Often
Interrupting anyone during a phone call is rude as it is. On a date, it’s really lame! It just means that your chat line date is self-absorbed or doesn’t have any regard for you on the date. These are the types of people who dial into chat lines because they want to hear themselves talk. They don’t care about getting to know you. They just want you to get to know them! It shows a lack of respect which will come through later on in the relationship if you decide to pursue it. Consider an interruption a red light and head out.
You Don’t Laugh At Their Jokes
Sense of humor is so important for relationship building. For most, this is something that both partners need to be on the same page with. If your date is cracking jokes that you find weird, offensive, or just plain unfunny… Thank you, next. It’s over! If you can’t laugh together, imagine how boring the relationship is going to be!
There Are Lulls Of Silence
You should be chatting on chat lines, not listening to crickets. This isn’t your fault or even your chat line date’s fault. It just means that the spark isn’t happening. But it could also just mean that you and your chat line date are both shy. If this happens on your chat line date, try asking questions to pump energy into your conversations. If your attempts fail, then stop wasting your time on this date. You didn’t call a phone dating service to listen to a flat line.
Your Date Uses Abusive Language
There is no room for hate on chat lines. It’s an inclusive community where people should feel free to be themselves and express their true thoughts. If someone is abusing you on a chat line, hang up! You can also report them on many of the lines and blacklist them from the platform. Don’t let one messed up call rain on your parade. There are plenty of kind fish in the sea. When someone is making you uncomfortable, that’s the opposite of someone you should be dating!
Use these tips as a guideline to help you through your chat line woes. If you keep trying and pushing on, you will find someone great through a chat line. The community of chat line callers is so large at this point that you are bound to click with someone! Just don’t sit there and waste your time on dates that’ll go nowhere. Your time is far too valuable for that!