The Type Of Humor Women Look For On Chat Lines

On a phone chat line, personality is key. It’s what gets your foot in the door in the flirting department and opens you up to all sorts of possibilities. One of the biggest factors which determine a particularly great personality to a woman is your ability to make her laugh. A sense of humor is everything when it comes to impressing a woman over the phone. And, if you nail it, you’ll be able to feel her smiling on the other end of the line. No matter what your end game is when you call a chat line, be it finding the woman you want to propose to or simply getting into someone’s pants, a sense of humor is going to be the train that takes you there. You don’t have visual cues or your huge pecks to work with when you engage in phone dating. It’s your voice, conversation skills, and ability to summon a giggle from the other side of the phone. But, not all senses of humor are the same, especially when we are talking about women. You might be a hit with your buddies at the gym, but that same kind of humor isn’t going to fly with every single lady. We’d also suggest that you avoid potty humor, locker room talk, and anything that’s degrading. There’s a time and place, and a chat line isn’t it. You can also add cheesy pickup lines to the list of things that are ‘meh.’ Here are the types of humor women appreciate on chat line dates…
Witty Banter
Witty banter is the creme-de-la-creme of chat line funny business. First, you may think you know that witty banter is, but perhaps you don’t. Witty banter is quick clever responses to things that she says. It’s not necessarily at her expense, but there’s definitely a touch of sarcasm there. The key here is timing. It’s your gut reaction to something she says that reminds you of something clever. There’s not a whole lot you can do if you don’t already have this skill built into you. Unfortunately, the types of folks who have this are usually somewhat depressed. Think the character Chandler from Friends. Witty banter is probably how someone like that would get any of his girls. It shows intelligence and humor at one time, which is what makes it so impressive. If you’ve ever heard that you are good at witty banter, us it!
Poking fun
Part of flirting often involves poking a bit of fun at someone. While this will technically be at her expense, this should be incredibly lighthearted and silly. Don’t insult the woman you want to fly to Europe with or bring to a Motel 6 for a night of fun. Insults aren’t the same as ‘poking fun.’ Poking fun is when your chat line date says something which you find a bit funny and you simply make fun of it. Nothing should be personal. For example, don’t poke fun at her intelligence, her looks (if you move to the social media stage of phone dating), or anything she can’t really control. Poke fun at her sexy voice, her jokes, her opening line. If you decide to poke fun at a skill, like if she says she’s not a great cook, follow it up with something like, “That’s fine. I’ll take you out to eat somewhere extra special” so that she knows you aren’t seriously bashing her. Poking fun works because it draws on things she’s said in her greeting or on the phone date, which also shows that you were listening. Women love this.
Romcom Humor
The last one here is romantic comedy humor. Think of family-friendly humor with an edge… It’s PG-13 in a way. This is when you are flirty with humor but do so in a way that’s a bit on the romantic side. I wouldn’t suggest this type if your goal on these lines is some raunchy phone sex because it might come across as confusing to a woman who you are attempting to get to talk dirty to you over the phone. This is for those who are seeking serious relationships with the women they meet on the lines. These are the references to romantic comedies themselves, self-deprecating humor (“You’re a class act. Am I going to be chasing you like Noah from The Notebook?”) and humor that is designed to make her feel good about herself. This works because when a woman realizes a man is able to make her laugh and feel sexy and feel romantic at the same time, you’ve won the entire game my friend. It’s a triple threat in just one type of humor, but it works!