Why It’s Not Working On A Chat Line

There are endless amounts of singles chat lines out there. Just choosing one to try out can send you down the rabbit hole that is known as the internet; suddenly it is 4AM and you have work in a couple of hours, however, you have finally found the chat line you think would be best suited for your needs. You go through all of the necessary steps in order to sign up for the coveted free trial period. You record your greeting and you are off to the races. No matter how many people you say that you’re interested in and no matter how many people you have actually gotten to talk to, your chatline life just does not seem to be thriving. We have all been there; “Why is nobody matching with me?” “I thought that conversation went swimmingly…so why in the world are they ghosting me?” “I am fun, sweet and unique so why can’t I find what I am looking for?” If your chat line dating life is not working out, here are some reasons as to why that might be:
You’re Too Aggressive
On the phone, it is easy to put it all out there; nobody knows who you are and it is normal to feel emboldened. Don’t be one of those dudes that thinks just because there is a phone line separating the two of you, you can say and do whatever you want. Yes, there are specific chat lines aimed at people looking to get a little frisky, but this doesn’t give you the right to be a forceful ass. Lead with kindness and she will follow. Absolutely take control of the conversation when you feel it is appropriate, but don’t push her to talk about things she feels uncomfortable with, and don’t be too pushy. Let her meet you halfway.
You’re Too Shy
You don’t have the luxury of being shy via chat line. The person you are talking to only has your voice to go off of, so the whole “sitting in awkward silence during a first date” really doesn’t work here. It’s time to break out of that shell of yours – it might protect you, but it won’t help you in this case. You’re here because you don’t want to go through life alone, right? So….start talking! If you tend to get very shy whilst talking to a new lovely lady, try writing down some talking points prior to your conversation.
You’re Not Putting Yourself Out There Enough
If you don’t put effort into making a nice biography for yourself, there is absolutely no way you are going to get the gal. This is the ONLY thing you have going for you on a chat line. It is the first line of defense that either sets you up for success or failure. Spend time thinking about what you want and what you want others to know about you. Record, re-record….write a script if you have to! Don’t forget to smother it with your charm.
You’re Not A Regular Caller
Maybe you haven’t been going onto the chat line enough. If you aren’t committed to checking your messages or going on regularly, you are not going to get what you came here for. Women want to be looked after and they want to know that you are thinking about them, so once you find someone you might like, you better keep “bothering” her! Don’t let her slip away by playing it cool – there are plenty of fish in the sea and we promise you, she will move on to the next. You know what they say…..out of sight, out of mind.