How To Flirt On A Chat Line

What is flirting? Well, it’s the art of romantically charged conversation. It might involve compliments, banter, and a strong sexual undertone. To master it is to ace the chat line dating game and make your mark among local singles. There’s a delicate balance to it as you want to express a desire without coming across as too needy. Figuring out where that line is can be tricky. Flirting is something that has to be practiced in order to be fully mastered. Luckily, chat lines provide a secure outlet to practice flirting with like-minded singles. If the conversation gets awkward or you fail miserably your first handful of times, it’s ok because, at a click of a button, you can move on and try again with someone new.

Tip: Make them feel good about themselves

Compliments are the first step in flirting. When you make someone else feel good about themselves, they are more likely to stay on the line and give you a compliment back. Given that you’re phone dating, you can’t compliment their looks. You’ll have to dig a little deeper and say something great about their voice, intelligence, or personality. Because it’s a more thoughtful compliment, it will actually mean more to them and bode well in your favor.

Tip: Keep it classy

It can be tempting to lean into your sexuality when you are flirting. Flirting is supposed to insinuate that you want something sexual to occur; however, if you go too far, it’s going to sound creepy. This is especially true of people you have yet to meet off the line. When phone dating, you can make innuendos but keep it casual and friendly at first. You don’t want to scare off your date with anything too raunchy or inappropriate. If that is what you are looking for on a chat line date, you’re better off calling an erotic chat number.

Tip: Make your voice sexy

You are leading with your voice and personality on a chat line, so make sure your voice is on-point. It’s not as challenging as it sounds. The most important thing to remember is to annunciate. Nobody wants to get on the phone with someone who mumbles all of their words! Speak clearly and assertively to your chat line date. This will make you appear more confident, which is a very big turn-on!

Tip: Have a sense of humor

When people talk about their checklist for potential partners, a sense of humor is always either at the top or close to it. Having a great sense of humor is one of the best things you can do for yourself while flirting because funny is inherently sexy! Think about all those homely comedians who are always dating hotties. People love when others can make them laugh. It also shows that you are secure if you can laugh at yourself. Poking fun helps ease the tension and contributes to flirty witty banter.

With these four flirting tips, you should be able to snag yourself someone pretty great on your next chat line excursion. Happy flirting!