How To Get Her Attention On A Lesbian Line

Calling lesbian lines is a fun and exciting way to meet new women. There aren’t nearly as many ways for lesbians to meet as there are for straight people. Even gay men have more dedicated spaces to hang out (since when have you heard of a strip of lesbian bars popping up in any city?). It’s a shame. And the chat line space isn’t completely up to par when it comes to lesbian chat lines, but they are trying to get there. With lines such as Lavender Line, lesbians are coming into focus more. There’s still a ways to go.
While you wait on more female-friendly gay phone dating services to emerge – you can work on your skills becoming the hottest chick on the ones that do exist! Getting a cute gal’s attention is no easy feat. Women are complicated and require a little bit more attention than men when it comes to flirting. Here are 3 ways you can get her attention on a lesbian line:
1. Let Your Emotions Show – Vulnerability is really important to lesbian flirting. Ladies like to pay attention to one another’s emotions. When you open up to a woman on the phone by sharing something intimate or being emotional, you show her that you have a depth to you. That will be intriguing to anyone on the line and will help you stand out among the other daters that she’s been talking to. Maybe tell her a secret or two about yourself. This will also inspire her to open up more to you. When the sharing gets deep, so does the relationship. This is how you establish something worth your time on a chat line.
2. Listen To Her – People on these lines just want to be heard. If you interrupt too many times or don’t let your date speak, they are going to feel defeated and even bored. Let your date do some of the talking too. Ask questions to show that you want to know more about her. If she thinks you are interested in her life, she’ll become interested in yours as well. This also helps a ton with the flow of conversation. If your lady date is a shy creature – you can always nudge her along with interesting topics and questions. Eventually, she will open up to you.
3. Plan Ahead – You might think that playing the game or keeping someone guessing is a smooth dating move. It doesn’t work that well on lesbian chat lines. People are busy. That’s a big reason why people even call chat lines in the first place instead of using other dating methods. They don’t have time to waste on dinners or annoying apps. They want to get to know the real person without the facade or major time commitment. Rather than being coy, let your date know where you stand. Tell her you want a second date if that is really what you desire. She will appreciate your straightforwardness and it will work out better for you in the long run.
Dating as a lesbian is pretty tough and the chat line community has yet to make it much easier. While convenient there still aren’t a lot of lines that are made just for girls who wish to meet other girls. Don’t worry. The world is slowly catching up and a lack of lesbian lines will hopefully soon become a thing of the past. Using your dating skills and these three pieces of advice to navigate the ones that do exist will help you land a wonderful woman in no time.