Incorporating Phone Dating Into Your Every-Day Life

Missing having a partner to do mundane, daily tasks with is completely normal; having someone who you care about so much there to make everything a bit more fun is never a negative. But what do you do if your relationship is via chat line, (as of now)? Not only does that make it a a lot harder to do anything together when you two are not in the same room, but it also makes you miss out on so many special moments with your special someone.
How are you supposed to build a life together when you don’t know how living day-to-day would be with one another? Well, there are ways to do everyday tasks with your chat line lover. Nowadays, our phones aren’t connected to our walls and we don’t have to pull over, find a phone booth, throw a couple of quarters into the slot and stand there while talking to someone with the clock very quickly running out of time and no other quarters in sight. We have everything we need at the touch of our fingertips, so there is absolutely no excuse to not talk to your phone date. If they are always too busy, we are planting a huge red flag right in front of their face for you. It’s time to wake up! Your S.O. should go out of their way to talk to you, as you should for them.
Make Sure They Share Your Interests
Before we even get into how to keep your chat line date involved in your daily life, you’re going to want to make sure that they share your interests. The easiest way to do this is by calling into the right kind of chat line! For example, if you are integrated into the Latin community and are seeking a relationship with someone who shares your interest, you should be calling a Latin singles line instead of just a regular phone dating lines. And, there are lines for all sorts of folks, including Black phone dating numbers. It’s easier to establish a relationship with someone who shares your core life values.
Keep The Phone on You
Charge your phone. Put it in your purse or your pocket. Make sure it is not on silent. When you are out and about, use it. When it rings and it is your chat line love, answer it.
Your Morning + Night Routine
There is this thing we have on our phones called speakers for a reason. You can talk to your boo even if you are busy using your hands for something else. Involving them in your morning/night routine is sure to make you two feel closer and bring some more normalcy to a chat line relationship. If you listen to music while cooking breakfast, why not listen to music together? Start and end your day by talking to your fave person.
Running Errands
Smile a little more while doing your errands by planning a weekly errand day together. This way you can “go to the supermarket together” and “pick up your prescriptions together”. Don’t forget to drive safely. And remember, headphones and pockets are your friend in this scenario!
Phone Dates Over Lunch or Dinner
People who are dating regularly eat meals together. Whether you decide to cook a beautiful meal, order something fancy and pop open a bottle of red, or go to a restaurant, it is very easy to chat with your chat line phone date. You could even go so far as to decide what kind of cuisine you will both be dining on so you feel that much closer to being there in person with them. Plus, planning all of these aspects of your date together, or going back and forth between the two of you is sure to lend itself to learning more about one another.
Happy Hour
Don’t forget the coveted happy hour, where singles are ready to mingle and couples are sloppy and ready to head home. Skip the drive and skip spending an exorbitant amount of money. Skip making a fool of yourselves and skip getting into a stupid argument with your better half in front of a room full of drunk strangers downing every last 30% off drink they can before the hour is up. Stay at home, get out that phone, dial that chat line and create a happy hour with your S.O. in which you can actually have a conversation without having to scream over loud music or a bunch of other convos. Get to know each other a little more while loosening up. Have fun and relax with your boo. The best part? You get to stay in your PJs.