Tips To Get The Girl On a Lesbian Line

We don’t have to tell you that being a lesbian in the world today is not easy; to meet someone you connect with is a task on its own – there are barely any lesbian bars left out there and no real place to meet other like-minded lesbians. That’s why we are absolutely in LOVE with lesbian chat lines. You know that the women you are talking to are also, most definitely interested in women. That, my friends, is what we call a breath of fresh air. You don’t have to wonder if you’re going to get rejected based on sexuality, which is something we definitely worry about when we are in heteronormative spaces, (AKA almost everywhere). But now that you have found this amazing way to communicate with women who love their women, how in the hell are you supposed to grab someone’s attention, especially since you will essentially be getting to know one another with a phone separating the two of you? Stop overthinking and read this list of very simple ways to capture your (hopefully) new crush’s attention.
Let’s Get Specific
The words that you choose to use in conversation with your cutie are of the utmost importance, not only because they’re all you have on a chat line, but also because women tend to be very observant and hang on to every word you say, especially if they are interested in you. So before delving into stories about your exes or your past sexual escapades, think about how those could affect your lesbian phone line partner in the future. And always remember to say what you mean and mean what you say!
A surefire way to grab your cutie’s attention is by showing her that you are genuinely interested in her AND listening to everything she has to say. Make sure to ask a bunch of follow-up questions based on things she says throughout your conversations. At the end of the day, people just want to be seen, heard and accepted. So give her that.
Hobbies For Days
Women need connection on every level: mentally, emotionally, spiritually…’s very important to show her that you have common interests and can fit into one another’s lives with ease. Connecting over common interests is a must! Plus, we promise there will be excitement when you find that subject you could both talk about for days!
Love Languages and Other Fun
Grab her attention by being bold and making sure you’re compatible. Take some love language quizzes together and tell her that you need to know how to communicate with her and spoil her in the future. 😉 This exercise and exercises like it will not only be fun, but provide you with vital info to make this work.
Let’s Make Plans
Don’t play games. Get straight to the point to keep her in your orbit. Make it known you are interested and solidify plans to talk on the chat line. Grab her attention by being bold instead of being cold.