Lavender Line

What Is Lavender Line?
Lavender Line is a lesbian chat line that is specifically designed to cater to lesbians and bisexual women throughout the United States and Canada. Whether you are looking for another single woman or looking to add someone to your relationship, Lavender Line is here for all of your lesbian needs, from the emotional to the physical, depending on how you are feeling that day. The best part? This is a MAN FREE zone, so you won’t be bothered by any men trying to “switch you” like they ultimately try to do every time you walk into a bar or go to the beach. There will be no interruptions between you and your new woman. Lavender Line makes sure of that.
How Does It Work?
There are seven easy steps you have to follow in order to sign up for Lavender Line. Click on the “Join Now” tab and select the new member option. Then you have to put in your phone number, choose which package you want to buy, put in all of your information and follow the rest of the steps in order to get started. Once you are done with all of the boring steps you can record your own message and then get started by listening to other member’s messages. You can request a connection once you find someone who sounds interesting to you. They will get a notification that you want to connect and will either accept or deny your request; either way, they will be flattered. Record your message and send it to your (potential) special woman and go from there. If someone is rude to you or is bothering you, all you have to do is block them and they won’t be able to message you again.
What Makes Lavender Line Unique?
Lavender Line is unique because it is set up in a way that does not allow any men to slip through the cracks. This chat line is truly for women who like other women; whether you identify as gay, bisexual or questioning, you have a space here to explore yourself and others’. They even give you tips about how to create the best greeting so that you can get the most out of this service.
What Kind Of Women Call Lavender Line?
Women who love other women call Lavender Line. It is a simple as that. Whether you are looking for a like-minded friend, someone to get a little flirty with, a little nasty with or a little romantic with, Lavender Line is here to fill that void for you with hundreds of gorgeous, single women.
Can I Actually Get Laid Using It?
If you are using this to get laid, chances are you will succeed. We all need to get laid every once in a while and Lavender Life provides the platform needed in order to do so. You just have to be upfront without seeming too aggressive or desperate. As women, we know how to do this, so get to it.
Is It Safe?
Lavender Line is very safe. They not only protect your personal information from other users so that you can use this service anonymously, but they also protect your credit card statement so that nobody knows what the charges are from. All that your credit card statement will say is “TELIGENCE,” so nobody will be able to question whether or not you are paying for a chat line.
The pricing is very reasonable on this website – they give you almost double the amount of time most other chat lines give you for the exact same price. The prices vary a little bit depending on where you are located. All you have to do is enter your phone number to get the lowest rates available. The rates will be around as follows: $4.99 for 20 minutes or $29.99 for 180 minutes. Lavender Line has many different payment options to choose from, depending on what you feel most comfortable with. Not only do they take credit cards but they also accept money through Western Union. The best part? New members will be eligible for half-price specials. Of course, on most straight chat lines women talk for free, but since this is geared toward lesbians, they have to make their money somehow!
Mr. Chat Line's Likes
- Only women
- Good customer service
- Easy to follow directions
- A name that draws you in and makes you want to know more
Mr. Chat Line's Dislikes
- The free trial doesn’t specify how long you have the ability to use it.
- 24/7 availability but busier in the morning than any other time